Most Dangerous Tourist Places

One is the tourist and the other is the adventure tourist. For those who are tourists, the whole world is available to visit and they do not have to work hard to find a place to visit.

Valleys surrounded by trees, flowing waterfalls rivers and mountains covered with snow, the sound of waves on the seashore, etc. are enough to fascinate the tourists. Common tourists feel happy and refreshed by visiting these places.

At the same time, unlike ordinary tourists, there are those who love nature, the adventure tourists. This type of tourists do not enjoy unless they visit some exciting and dangerous place. If you are also a tourist in this category, then this blog is going to prove even more beneficial for you.

Tourists of this category mostly like to visit such places which are unique. The 11 most dangerous tourist places in the world also fall under this category.

Many times, going to such a unique place can prove costly for them, at some places the danger is so high that due to one small mistake, they may have to risk their lives. Often people with weak hearts should avoid visiting these places.

Today we are going to tell you about the 11 most dangerous tourist places in the world, where it is the dream of every adventurous tourist to visit.

1. Death Valley

Most Dangerous Tourist Places

Death Valley comes first among the 11 most dangerous tourist places in the world. This valley is the hottest, lowest, and driest part of the North American continent. Death Valley is approximately 225 KM long from north to south and 8 to 24 KM wide.

This Death Valley is the hottest part of our Earth, its highest temperature has been recorded – 134 °F (56.7 °C). In the scorching heat and sun of Death Valley, no person can survive without water for more than 14 hours.

According to some reports, about 300 to 350 kg of rocks automatically move from one place to another in Death Valley.

It is also believed that the devil resides in the dry places of the earth and Death Valley is one of the driest places in the world. Potholes, wide hills, rare species of fish, and strange phenomena of the dark night sky still remain a mystery.

2. Snake Island

Most Dangerous Tourist Places

Snake Island, included in the 11 most dangerous tourist destinations in the world, is located in Brazil. It is also known as ‘Ilha da Queimada Grande’. The island is widely recognized as the most dangerous place in the world.

The world’s most poisonous snake species is found in Lha da Queimada Grande. Going to this island is considered to be like stepping into the mouth of death. According to researchers, poisonous snakes up to 5 square meters long are found on this island.

Information has also been received about the death of many people on Snake Island, whose cause of death was a snake bite, and in view of these incidents, the Brazilian government has banned this place for tourists.

It is the Brazilian Navy that decides who is allowed to visit this island and who is not, so as to ensure their own safety as well as the safety of the snakes. However, only naval officers and some scientists can visit this island.

3. Gartang Gali

Most Dangerous Tourist Places

Gartangali, one of the 11 most dangerous tourist places in the world, is located in Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand state of India. It is situated at an altitude of about 11 thousand feet above sea level.

For adventure-loving tourists, this dangerous staircase-like route named Gartangali, located in the Jad Ganga valley on the India-China border, is among the most risky routes in the world.

On this narrow path of Gartangali, about 300 meters long, there is a danger of slipping and falling into a deep ditch at every step. People travel this route very carefully.

It is said that in the 17th century, some Pathans who came from Peshawar had cut these rocks and made this staircase-like path. Before the India-China War of 1962, traders used to go from Tibet to Barahat (Uttarakashi) with leather clothes, wool, and salt through this route.

After the war, traffic on this route was stopped. In 1975, the army also stopped using this route and since then this place has become deserted. In the year 2017, on World Tourism Day, the state government gave permission to tourists to visit Gartangali.

4. Mount Washington

Most Dangerous Tourist Places

This peak of Mount Washington, which is included in the 11 most dangerous tourist places in the world, holds the world record for the fastest wind on the earth’s surface.

It is also called ‘Agiocochuk’ by some Native American tribes. Agiokochuk means – ‘Place of the Great Spirit’ or ‘Place of the Hidden.’

Mount Washington is infamous for its unpredictable weather, strong winds blow here at a speed of 327 KM/hour, but only the strong winds are not a matter of concern. Along with the strong winds, the low temperature here also makes Mount Washington one of the coldest in the world. Creates a dangerous place.

The temperature at Mount Washington drops to – 40 °C. It is present at an altitude of 1,917 meters.

5. Danakil

Most Dangerous Tourist Places

Danakil Desert is one of the 11 most dangerous tourist destinations in the world. This desert is said to be the hottest place in the world. This desert is located in Ethiopia, Africa. Due to the acidic water of the hot volcanic lakes present here, it is also known as the ‘Doors of Hell’.

The Danakil Desert is the driest and lowest-level place in the world. This desert looks as if we have arrived on another planet. Rivers and sulfur mountains can be seen in this place.

There are also hot springs in the Danakil Desert, which are a major attraction for tourists and scientists. One of the main reasons for this is the colorful scenery created by them. ‘Yellow Lake’ is an example of one such lake.

The rocks and soil of Danakil are also yellow in color. Natural rivers of salt water flow at this place. A skeleton of a woman was also found here, which is said to be 3.2 million years old.

6. Lake Natron

Most Dangerous Tourist Places

Lake Natron, included in the 11 most dangerous tourist destinations in the world, is located in Tanzania. It seems like the most supernatural landscape on earth because the water of Lake Natron seems to shine like glass but in reality, the layer of alkali salt is frozen on the surface of this lake.

This layer on Lake Natron is so dangerous that if any bird or other living creature comes and sits on this river, its body burns to ashes within a short time and in view of these results, tourists are prohibited from swimming in Lake Natron. However, this is prohibited.

In the book ‘Across the Ravaged Land’ written about the animals disappearing in East Africa, it is said that the highly reflective nature of this lake disoriented them and as a result, they were turned to stone.

7. Sinabung

Most Dangerous Tourist Places

Sinabung, one of the 11 most dangerous tourist destinations in the world, is an active volcano. This volcano is located on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia and volcanic eruptions occur frequently here.

These eruptions have caused thousands of people to abandon their livelihoods and shelter in Sinabung. Many towns and villages around here have already been completely engulfed in lava and ash several times.

Sinabung has seen several major volcanic eruptions in 2010, 2013, 2014, and 2015, with the most recent occurring on February 27, 2016. The gas, ash, and stones of this explosion caused huge damage.

In fact, Sinabung is one of the most strange and dangerous places in the world, where no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

8. Afar Depression

Most Dangerous Tourist Places

Afar Depression, included among the 11 most dangerous tourist destinations in the world, is an active basaltic shield volcano of ‘Erta Ale’ in the Afar region of ‘Ethiopia’ in East Africa.

According to the researcher, small earthquakes keep shaking this area continuously, due to which many deep chasms are being formed, and also 2 lava lakes are flowing on the peak of ‘Erta Ale’. The amount of lava in them keeps changing continuously, due to which the upper and lower surface of the earth keeps moving.

9. Madidi National Park

Most Dangerous Tourist Places

Madidi National Park, one of the 11 most dangerous tourist destinations in the world, is located on the upper Amazon River in Bolivia. This park looks very beautiful at first glance but in reality, this park is a very dangerous place.

You will be surprised to know this fact related to Madidi National Park which park is home to some of the most aggressive and poisonous creatures in the world. You may experience severe itching, dizziness, and rashes if you come in contact with any of the plants growing in this park.

If any person gets a cut on his body in Madidi National Park, even a small wound can get infected with tropical parasites. Despite this, some forest lovers keep coming here to visit.

10. Elephant Kingdom

Most Dangerous Tourist Places

Elephant Kingdom, included among the 11 most dangerous tourist places in the world, offers a thrill to the tourists coming here, but this thrill can also be a bit dangerous for the tourists.

Elephant Kingdom is a farm full of deadly crocodiles, where you can get the opportunity to see the crocodiles up close and do exciting activities like feeding them meat. For this, you can rent half-covered rafts.

When tourists go near the crocodiles and feed them meat, the crocodiles surround them from all sides. This situation is so delicate that if even the slightest mistake occurs while doing so, the tourists may have to lose their lives.

11. Bikini Atoll

Most Dangerous Tourist Places

One of the 11 most dangerous tourist destinations in the world is Bikini Atoll. This place, The Marshall Islands, looks like a paradise lost in the ocean, but Bikini Atoll was actually the site of many nuclear testing programs, which turned the beautiful island of Bikini into a radioactive wasteland.

These nuclear tests forced the residents living there to leave their homes and even today it remains a dangerous place for living organisms. Too much radiation here can cause cancer.


The 11 most dangerous tourist places in the world have their own thrill. If you also want to have the experience of being an adventure tourist, then you can fulfill your hobby by visiting these places, but you will have to take responsibility for your own safety.

Here you have been given information about the most dangerous tourist places located in the country as well as abroad. In some places, lava flows from boiling volcanoes, while in other places there is a danger of radiation released from nuclear testing.

Some places are surrounded by poisonous snakes and some deadly crocodiles have camped on some islands. There is a layer of poisonous alkalinity on the surface of a lake. If you can afford to risk your life, then you must visit the 11 most dangerous tourist places in the world.

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